Jackson Casp, childcare profile in 73069

Name:Jackson Casp
Childcare Address:520 S. Wylie Rd., Norman, OK 73069
Childcare Phone:(405) 366-5887
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Childcare Website:http://www.caspinc.org/programs/

Childcare Philosophy

The Community After School Program provides affordable, quality, after school programming at all 17 elementary schools in Norman Public Schools. Each CASP program is licensed by the Department of Human Services and meets the Stars requirements as 2 Star programs. CASP contracts with DHS for childcare reimbursement subsidies as well as various tribal subsidy programs. In addition, CASP offers a sliding scale tuition program and a tuition scholarship program funded by CASP and the City of Norman for qualifying families.

Our programs are located on-site at each elementary school location thus eliminating transportation issues and giving parents peace of mind while they end their workday. Children enrolled in our programs have opportunities to participate in a variety of activities including arts and crafts, math and science, reading and homework, dramatic play, and various physical activities. Additionally, CASP offers a free, volunteer-based tutoring program at 16 locations as well as health and nutrition programming at nine of its program locations. With more than 38 years of programming experience, CASP is well-equipped to provide a fun and enriching after school environment for school-age children.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 2:50 PM - 6:00 PM

Jackson Casp on Map

Jackson Casp

(405) 366-5887

520 S. Wylie Rd., Norman, OK 73069