Dickson Employee Daycare, childcare listing in 73401

Name:Dickson Employee Daycare
Childcare Address:4762 St. Hwy. 199, Ardmore, OK 73401
Childcare Phone:(580) 223-9509
Child ages:3 weeks - 3 years
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Philosophy

Dickson Employee Daycare does not have a teaching philosophy listed but generally the most influencial daycare centers love giving a helping hand to every family that enrolls boys and girls at the particular daycare center. When looking for a new Ardmore day care make sure that their goal is to provide a safe atomosphere so dad and moms have peace of mind feeling that the child care center is taking great care of their children.

Your little one's early development will be altered by the work of so many groups, mostly parents, daycare centers, and teaching staff. It's hard to know but many believe that educators and staff members create a tremendous chance to awaken this development. It's best to be sure that all members of the staff are well-trained in their career and really enjoy facilitating the learning environment of little kids. A wonderful daycare center will help your boys and girls be prepared to to go to k-12 by giving them school routines from when they are babies through the last day of pre-school.

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Dickson Employee Daycare on Map

Dickson Employee Daycare

(580) 223-9509

4762 St. Hwy. 199, Ardmore, OK 73401