Temple Head Start, preschool information in 73568

Name:Temple Head Start
Preschool Address:121 E Texas, Temple, OK 73568
Preschool Phone:(580) 342-5022
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Preschool Website:http://www.cadcconnection.com/

Preschool Philosophy

Temple Head Start in 73568 doesn't appear to have a philosophy on MomTrusted however most often the greatest child care centers are zealous about helping each family that enrolls toddlers at that particular daycare. When you are trying to find a childcare in Temple be sure their objective is to prepare a safe and nurturing center so parents can relax and feel that the daycare center loves their toddlers.

Most children's social and emotional development will profoundly be shaped by the combination of so many groups of people, not limited to relatives, child care services, and teachers. It's hard to know but lots of people feel that daycare staff and staff harbor a massive possibility to ignite this development. Be sure that all educators have extensive training in their field of study and truely adore guiding the schooling of little babies. A great daycare will help your child plan to get in to elementary school by teaching them self control and compassion from the moment they begin to the last day of prek.

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Temple Head Start on Map

Temple Head Start

(580) 342-5022

121 E Texas, Temple, OK 73568