St Pauls Day Care, pre-school listing in 76701

Name:St Pauls Day Care
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:517 Columbus, Waco, TX 76701
Pre School Phone:(254) 753-0246
Child ages:2 years - 3 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

We value a living spirituality that:

* accepts each person as a unique child of God
* includes regular worship of God
* develops self-discipline responsibility and integrity

We value an inclusive community that:

* welcomes all races and creeds
* strives toward economic ethnic and religious diversity
* admits students with abilities ranging from average to superior
* fosters open communication
* fosters inquiry and outreach

We value an educational environment that:

* offers an internationally recognized curriculum through which children can construct meaning and experience diverse points of view while grasping necessary concepts content and skills
* promotes inquiry based learning
* challenges and motivates students to learn
* prepares students for success in high school and college and as citizens of the world

We value a student-centered program that:

* encourages critical thinking
* accommodates a variety of learning styles
* uses student assessments to design learning experiences directed at student needs and interests
* encourages the development of leadership skills
* supports and nurtures each person in the pursuit of personal goals

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

07:30 AM-05:30 PM - Monday - Friday

St Pauls Day Care on Map

St Pauls Day Care

(254) 753-0246

517 Columbus, Waco, TX 76701