Katy ISD East Transportation, pre-k listing in 77084

Name:Katy ISD East Transportation
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:2901 Dulaney, Houston, TX 77084
Pre K Phone:(281) 396-7576
Child ages:n/a
Pre K Website:http://kisdwebs.katyisd.org/campuses/khs/teacherweb/dossk/pages/welcome.aspx

Pre K Philosophy

Katy ISD East Transportation doesn't appear to have much about their teaching philosophy here however in general exceptional daycares are devoted to supporting each family at the specific day care center. When searching for a child care center in Houston make sure their objective is to produce a warm and nurturing environment so that dads and moms feel comfortable and know that the child care is taking great care of their child.

Your kiddo's development may profoundly be influenced by the influences of literally hundreds of people, most importantly family, child care centers, as well as daycare staff. It's hard to know for sure but many think that daycare staff and aides create a big chance to encourage this important development. Have certainty that all educators and staff have adequate training in their career and enjoy directing the education of small children. A fantastic day care center will help your baby be prepared to to enter elementary by helping them with how to take care of their basic needs from the time they are babies to the final days of prek.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

06:00 AM-06:00 PM - Monday - Friday

Katy ISD East Transportation on Map

Katy ISD East Transportation

(281) 396-7576

2901 Dulaney, Houston, TX 77084