Mount Olive Lutheran Church, pre-school description in 77089

Name:Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:10310 Scarsdale, Houston, TX 77089
Pre School Phone:(281) 922-4453
Child ages:1.5 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

Houston Mount Olive Lutheran Church does not have a school philosophy listed but generally speaking the most influencial daycares are zealous about giving a helping hand to every family in their day care center. If you are searching for a child development center in Houston be sure that their objective is to prepare a safe and caring zone so that dads and moms have peace of mind feeling that the daycare center cares deeply for their .

Most baby's cognitive development will profoundly be formed by the doing of so many groups, mostly parents, child care services, as well as early educators. We know that education administrators and staff have a sizable chance to excite this development. Have certainty that every staff member have extensive training in their respective careers and really adore facilitating the early education of little kids. A fantastic day care center will help your child qualify to go to k-12 by helping them with school routines from first years to the end of their prek year.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

07:00 AM-06:00 PM Monday - Friday

Mount Olive Lutheran Church on Map

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

(281) 922-4453

10310 Scarsdale, Houston, TX 77089