Prairie Heights Preschool, pre-k description in 80928

Name:Prairie Heights Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:17050 S Peyton HWY, Colorado Springs, CO 80928
Pre K Phone:(719) 683-2247
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Pre K Website:

Pre K Philosophy

Colorado Springs Prairie Heights Preschool doesn't seem to have much about their school philosophy here however typically the best childcare centers commit to helping all families in that specific day care. If you are in need of a Colorado Springs day care center make sure that their objective is to ensure a warm and nurturing space so all guardians feel good and feel that the child care provider is careing greatly for their child.

Your children's emotional development may be susceptable by the care of so many people, maybe the most importantly relatives, childcare centers, as well as teachers. Many feel that early education specialists and teaching aides have a gigantic opening to inspire this development. make sure that every member of the staff are highly trained in their respective careers and thouroughly love engaging the learning environment of little little ones. A good day care will support your youngster qualify to go to school by giving them self control and compassion from first years to the last day of pre-k.

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Prairie Heights Preschool on Map

Prairie Heights Preschool

(719) 683-2247

17050 S Peyton HWY, Colorado Springs, CO 80928