Florence Child Development Center, day care listing in 85232

Name:Florence Child Development Center
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:40 East Celaya Street, Florence, AZ 85232
Day Care Phone:(520) 840-0719
Child ages:6 weeks - 5 years
Day Care Website:http://www.pgccs.org/services.asp

Day Care Philosophy

Our program philosophy is as follows: The potential for learning is greatest during the early years of a child's life, therefore, every possible learning opportunity should be provided to children at the earliest possible age. The PGCCS programs make a place where children and families can grow together by providing a safe and healthy environment. We provide family support to parents for the resources they need to succeed at the most important job there is: raising healthy, responsible, productive and joyous children. We believe that the whole family must be involved with the child in the program. We support the parent's role as the principle influence on their child's development and education. We provide opportunities which will help the child develop physically and mentally, and remedy any problems he/she may have by offering a broad range of services. We increase children's competence in language, literacy, mathematics, science, creative arts, learning strategies, physical health, and social/emotional development. We validate the distinct personality and learning style of each child. We create an environment of trust, respect, acceptance, diversity and inclusion.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

MondayFriday:7:30 am to 5 pm

Florence Child Development Center on Map

Florence Child Development Center

(520) 840-0719

40 East Celaya Street, Florence, AZ 85232