Newport Coast Child Development Preschool, preschool information in 92660

Name:Newport Coast Child Development Preschool
Preschool Address:2350 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Preschool Phone:(949) 644-4914
Child ages:2.5 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Preschool Website:

Preschool Philosophy

Newport Coast Child Development Preschool focuses on the whole childsocially, cognitively, emotionally and physically. Each child is born with potential. We know that the Preschool years are the most critical time in a childs development. During this time children, based on their environment and experiences, will learn trust, self-expression and self-worth. We, therefore, as an extension of the family, provide them with a warm, caring, safe and secure environment in which to explore and discover those things around them and within themselves. In this environment, we offer opportunities for children to make choices that will enhance their naturally emerging skills. We encourage independent thinking, curiosity, exploration and discovery through developmentally appropriate curriculum, materials, and methods. It is through movement and discovery, rather than a mobile state, that children grasp and learn about the world around them.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

9:00am - 2:00pm

Photos of Newport Coast Child Development Preschool

Photo #1 of Newport Coast Child Development Preschool

Newport Coast Child Development Preschool on Map

Newport Coast Child Development Preschool

(949) 644-4914

2350 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660