Dennis O'Brien School in Dover, NJ

Name:Dennis O'Brien School
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:Mineral Spring Dr, Dover, NJ 07801
Pre School Phone:(973) 361-7330
Child ages:4 years - 12 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Dennis B. O'Brien's PreK - 5 program strives to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of our students. A variety of instructional strategies are employed including interdisciplinary units and cooperative learning which are blended with experiences that appeal to multi-sensory and experiential learners. Teachers actively confer with one another in order to develop the best program for students who may have varying learning ability levels. Dennis B. O'Brien is firmly committed to the concept of inclusive learning to accommodate as many students into as many mainstream programs as possible.
There is a program available for students who wish to participate in computer enrichment, developmental reading & math, jazz band, drama, inventions, art workshop, and homework classes after school. This program begins promptly at the conclusion of the regular school day and ends at 4:00 P.M. Days for classes vary and are announced at the beginning of the school year. A limited latchkey program, sponsored by a local YMCA group, is available to parents who must pay a fee for this service.
Parents play an active role in the Dennis B. O'Brien School with parents involved in many school-supportive activities. These include but are not limited to a parent publishing center where parents bind original student literary works one day per week, sponsorship of a wide variety of school assemblies and programs, Field Day, Family Nights, annual Book Fairs, etc

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Dennis O'Brien School on Map

Dennis O'Brien School

(973) 361-7330

Mineral Spring Dr, Dover, NJ 07801