East Lynne School District in East Lynne, MO

Name:East Lynne School District
Preschool Address:24706 S State Route K, East Lynne, MO 64743
Preschool Phone:(816) 626-3024
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Preschool Website:http://www.eastlynne40school.org/vnews/display.v/sec/academics|classes%3e%3epreschool

Preschool Description

Our classroom follows the Project Construct Curriculum. Project Construct is a learner-centered curriculum that was developed from research demonstrating that learners construct their knowledge through interactions with their physical and social environments.

During our Center Time your child will experience a variety of choices in which activity to engage themselves. Each center promotes growth and development through the following areas:
Social Development
Personal Development
Scientific Thinking
Conventional Knowledge
Mathematical Thinking
Language Development
Symbolic Expression
Motor Skills
Health and Safety
EAST LYNNE SCHOOL DISTRICT is a Child Care Center in East Lynne MO.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

East Lynne School District on Map

East Lynne School District

(816) 626-3024

24706 S State Route K, East Lynne, MO 64743