Ella White Head Start in Alpena, MI

Name:Ella White Head Start
Preschool Address:201 N. Ripley, Alpena, MI 49707
Preschool Phone:(989) 358-5189
Child ages:n/a
Preschool Website:n/a

Preschool Description

Ella White Head Start is a Alpena daycare located at STREET and does not have a description at this time. We’re trying to locate more information for this child care in Alpena, MI. For your reference, we’ve put together a few things that parents typically look for in a child care provider.

At exceptional child care centers, teachers are committed to the children and their families. Communication and flexibility are telltale signs of outstanding child care. The finest child care centers are devoted to protecting and growing their professional accomplishments. Lots of day cares in Alpena, MI currently open claim eager teachers and assistants who is intelligent and caring. Maintaining the culture of greatness, long-standing child care centers target regularly polishing their cultural services.

Normally, parents prioritize getting the most outstanding, and most admirable daycare in MI. Toddlers are so very precious and they deserve the best, most nurturing care. Childcare centers break down largely based on the quality of their staff. That's why only the best Alpena child care centers apply very stringent protocol when employing new workers. In the most ideal situation, each teacher is considered with great caution.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

SPLIT SHIFT Monday to Thursday

Ella White Head Start on Map

Ella White Head Start

(989) 358-5189

201 N. Ripley, Alpena, MI 49707