Etsu Child Study Center in Johnson City, TN

Name:Etsu Child Study Center
Type:Child Development Center
Child Development Center Address:2101 Signal Drive, Johnson City, TN 37604
Child Development Center Phone:(423) 439-4888
Child ages:3 months - 5 years
Child Development Center Website:

Child Development Center Description

The children we serve in our programs are in an exciting period of development. Young children are active learners exploring their environment, manipulating objects, and establishing relationships with adults and peers. The Child Study Center (CSC) believes that young children learn by being actively involved with their world and by constructing their own learning. We will provide a stimulating and developmentally appropriate environment in a safe, creative, and responsive atmosphere. We will encourage the development of each child to his/her fullest potential. We will strive to develop the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive aspects of each child while respecting individual differences among children.
We will recognize that family members are the primary teachers of their children and we are here to help and support them. Teachers of the CSC hope to establish a partnership with the families of our children so that we each can provide an atmosphere conducive to the childs maximum development during these early critical years.
The administration and teaching staff will continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of Developmentally Appropriate Practices and Responsive Caregiving through reflective practices, continued education, and on-going communication. As a collaborative team of caregivers, we will respect one anothers contributions to our collective effort of doing what is best for the children and families we serve at the CSC.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Etsu Child Study Center on Map

Etsu Child Study Center

(423) 439-4888

2101 Signal Drive, Johnson City, TN 37604