Faith Academy in North Fort Myers, FL

Name:Faith Academy
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:7010 Bayshore Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917
Pre School Phone:(239) 543-0804
Child ages:n/a
Pre School Website:n/a

Pre School Description

Additional Services:
Full Day Before School After School


Here is just a bit of a description we have found for this North Fort Myers day care center at this moment. Lucky for you there may be more data on their teaching style over here:

Other things to consider when weighing a day care center in North Fort Myers, FL is at great childcare centers, class times are designed to motivate growing children to have fun while learning. Most well-regarded day care center located in 33917 offers a model for educational development. The most esteemed of these organizations utilize programs built alongside professionals in education and health sciences. Great curriculums are most useful when delivered by teaching staff who are in tune with the abilities of the children.

Faith Academy in North Fort Myers, FL is a modern day care center managing in an extremely important industry. For anyone in this field, the ultimate goal is to grow a deep relationship with the community through outreach programs. Guardians seeking only the best childcare centers can rest easy knowing they are entrusting their babies in a safe and educational environment. Assuredly, day cares and child care centers in this area will provide guardians with dedication and commitment. In this locale, authorities cooperate with childcare centers to establish safe care and learning for babies. Most people think that childcare centers are among the most significant supporter of society. These specialists deserve continual support to do this beneficial service to families.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Faith Academy in North Fort Myers, FL

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday_Friday 7am-6pm

Faith Academy on Map

Faith Academy

(239) 543-0804

7010 Bayshore Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917