First Steps Day Care in Woodstock, NY

Name:First Steps Day Care
Type:Child Development Center
Child Development Center Address:233 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498
Child Development Center Phone:(845) 679-6301
Child ages:2 years - 5 years
Child Development Center Website:

Child Development Center Description

First Steps strives to support families in their effort to ensure the wholesome social emotional cognitive and physical development of their children by providing high quality educational care at the lowest possible cost.
To that end structured learning experiences along with creative play opportunities are designed to enhance the growth and development of each child in a safe and nurturing environment.
Because each child is a unique and special human being First Steps creates an atmosphere where each child:
- is respected as an individual
- can develop and grow at his or her own pace
- finds encouragement to realize his or her fullest potential
- receives personal attention from caring and responsive adults
- can learn in a safe and stimulating environment
It is our belief at First Steps that each child has the ability and desire to learn and grow in all the developmental areas. We are here to facilitate those experiences and support each child in this endeavor. This Woodstock center is allowed to apply medicine

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First Steps Day Care on Map

First Steps Day Care

(845) 679-6301

233 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498