Fivecap Head Start in Grant, MI

Name:Fivecap Head Start
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:9815 Mason Drive, Grant, MI 49327
Pre School Phone:(231) 757-3785
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Head Start is a family oriented comprehensive child development program. It is designed to provide education social services health and nutrition services to income eligible families.
EDUCATION: The program is designed to give each child a variety of learning experiences. Individual activities especially designed to promote self-help intellectual social emotional and physical development are provided.
HEALTH SERVICES: Head Start emphasizes the importance of early identification of problems which can affect the child's development. A comprehensive health program including referrals to health and nutritional services are available.
SOCIAL SERVICES: Staff are available to help families and provide resource information.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT: The parent is the child's first teacher and therefore the most important influence on a child's development. Parent participation is essential in every program component.
FAMILY LITERACY: Family members are matched with tutors on a confidential basis to help improve both reading and comprehension skills at various levels.
DISABILITY SERVICES: We recognize the importance of early detection of learning and social disabilities. We have programs that are available through different agencies to aide in these areas.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday

Fivecap Head Start on Map

Fivecap Head Start

(231) 757-3785

9815 Mason Drive, Grant, MI 49327