Garden Oaks Baptist Early Learning Center in Houston, TX

Name:Garden Oaks Baptist Early Learning Center
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:3206 Shepherd N, Houston, TX 77018
Pre School Phone:(713) 880-4622
Child ages:6 weeks - 5 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Our program is designed to help young children discover their special qualities and importance in God's creation. Our cirriculum is based on the WEE LEARN program published by Lifeway.
Our teachers add to this program different themes each month. The primary focus of our program is to assist children in developing a positive self-concept through an awareness that God has made each one special.
We provide learning experiences based on the child's level of understanding and ability to participate. Through the media of stories songs finger plays games dramatizations art manipulatives field trips prayers and sensorial activities children can sense God's love for them.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

07:00 AM-06:00 PM Monday - Friday

Garden Oaks Baptist Early Learning Center on Map

Garden Oaks Baptist Early Learning Center

(713) 880-4622

3206 Shepherd N, Houston, TX 77018