Grace Lutheran Preschool in Woodstock, IL

Name:Grace Lutheran Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:1300 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098
Pre K Phone:(815) 338-0554
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Pre K Website:

Pre K Description

The mission of Grace Lutheran Church Preschool is to share God's grace through the education and enrichment of young children.


We really don't have a significant amount of a description for Grace Lutheran Preschool. You may be able to acquire additional information on their overall teaching philosophy by going to this page:

Other things to regard when evaluating a child day care is a really good day care centers, classes are constructed to inspire growing children to fall in love with learning. Most credible child day care in Woodstock IL aims to provide an atomosphere for prek development. The best of these centers use curriculums formed with the experts in early childhood development. Well thought out programs are best served by staff members who listen to the needs and abilities of the children.

Grace Lutheran Preschool in Woodstock is a child day care operating in a busy, competitive industry. For anyone in this industry, the best thing to do is to build an admirable reputation through community dedication and growth efforts. Mom and dads who use the most trusted day care centers can relax knowing they are placing their younsters in an educational and nurturing atomosphere. Assuredly, local day care centers will continue to impress mom and dads with nurturing, growing care. In this area, the care and education department work together with child care providers to provide the best care for younsters. In most ways, day care centers are quite frankly among the most important members of their communities. These specialists should definitely get support to continue to do their valuable work.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

09:00 - 15:00

Photos of Grace Lutheran Preschool

Photo #1 of Grace Lutheran Preschool

Grace Lutheran Preschool on Map

Grace Lutheran Preschool

(815) 338-0554

1300 Kishwaukee Valley Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098