Heartlove Place Child Development Center in Milwaukee, WI

Name:Heartlove Place Child Development Center
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:3229 N Martin Luther King Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53212
Day Care Phone:(414) 372-1550
Child ages:3 weeks - 13 years
Day Care Website:http://www.heartloveplace.org/programs/view/child_development

Day Care Description

Our Child Development Center exposes children to a learning environment that is rich with language, offers opportunity for children to ask questions, and fosters social and emotional skills for each child we care for. Heartloves programs are an extension to the home which prepares children for the next level of learning. We focus on key components such as math, reading skills, and oral skills which builds confidence in each child in our care.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 6:00AM - 6:00PM

Heartlove Place Child Development Center on Map

Heartlove Place Child Development Center

(414) 372-1550

3229 N Martin Luther King Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53212