Heavenly Daycare in Covington, KY

Name:Heavenly Daycare
Type:Child Care Center
Child Care Center Address:2002 Greenup Street, Covington, KY 41011
Child Care Center Phone:(859) 291-2338
Child ages:6 weeks - 6 years
Child Care Center Website:n/a

Child Care Center Description

Our philosophy of education is based on the premise that all children should progress at their own rate. Children are placed according to their individual learning abilities not necessarily by age. All children are unique and we must discover their hidden talents and develop them. We must also enhance the areas of study that children have difficulties with and overcome them with love understanding and encouragement. Our greatest challenge is to instill In each child a feeling of self worth confidence and competence to be able to handle our complicated world. By accomplishing this challenge our children will be equipped to face change and new experiences with vigor and aptitude. Our goal is to challenge each child so they maximize their learning experience and reach their full academic potential. By growing academically emotionally and socially our children will develop into well-adjusted adults.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

6:30am to 6:00pm

Photos of Heavenly Daycare

Photo #1 of Heavenly Daycare

Heavenly Daycare on Map

Heavenly Daycare

(859) 291-2338

2002 Greenup Street, Covington, KY 41011