Hoboken Children's Academy in Walpole, NH

Name:Hoboken Children's Academy
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:501 Willow Street, Walpole, NH 03608
Pre School Phone:(201) 656-5700
Child ages:6 weeks - 13 years
Pre School Website:http://www.hobokenca.com

Pre School Description

HCA believes in nurturing your children into well-rounded individuals. We encourage them to experience life and appreciate its many rewards. We work to build a strong foundation in their young minds by offering tools and guidance that will help them throughout their lives.
While the high level of care that your child receives is our top priority, HCA cannot let the opportunity to also educate your child pass us by! We strive to prepare children for their school years ahead. We familiarize them with skills that are appropriate to their age and ability. Activities are designed to promote growth in the areas of social/emotional development, gross and fine motor skills, and language. Teachers are trained to continually use language and encourage the children to use language throughout the day by engaging them in dialogue, and reading and singing with them.
The Pinnacle Curriculum has been carefully selected because it supports HCAs educational philosophy by enabling children to progress at their own pace. Each month a new theme is introduced. Age appropriate, theme-based activities combine with educational objectives to connect learning to real-life.
Lesson plans are written by the lead teachers each week and are shared with parents. Teachers are encouraged to use observation and assessment to drive instruction and tailor activities to meet the individual needs of the child. Teachers are also encouraged to jump start the childs mind by providing fun and engaging activities but then step-back and allow the child to explore, problem solve, and discover on their own.
Most importantly, HCA teaches children how to respect themselves and others. Friendship, teamwork, and appropriate conflict resolution techniques are on-going themes directed towards developing the ability to share and function together as a group in a classroom with positive social interactions.
HCA is highly aware that eating habits are learned early in life. When young diets are limited, then a world of delicious and healthy options seems foreign. We introduce children to a variety of foods as soon as you and your pediatrician allow. Our belief is that early exposure will help them eat and enjoy balanced meals throughout their lives.
Meals at HCA consist of organic milk and eggs, brown basmati and brown long grain rice, various beans and lentils, whole wheat pasta and bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats and fish. We strongly believe that proper nutrition produces fertile minds. Breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner are made fresh daily.
We only ask that parents of infants who eat pureed foods (stages 1 and 2) provide the necessary food for their child. Once given permission to eat table food, we encourage healthy exploration of the meals prepared by our chef. We are comfortable with working in conjunction with parents of children with dietary restrictions.
Over the past several years since we opened our doors, the menu has been in the works- we let the children determine what it would consist of by keeping track of what they like and dislike. We are confident that the recipes we use and the foods we have chosen are perfect for our little eaters!
A Sanitary Place to Learn and Grow
HCA insists on clean and sanitized bathrooms, toys, work stations, play areas, kitchen, and dining facilities. Your childs well-being starts with our commitment to a clean environment. Not only do we practice cleanliness, we teach it to your children via healthy habits such as hand washing and proper mouth covering when coughing or sneezing. We adhere to strict sick policies for both the children and our staff in an attempt to minimize the spread of germs as much as possible. During the day our teachers are dedicated to keeping their classrooms clean and disinfected with organic cleaning products. Each night, a cleaning service does deep cleaning and mopping to ensure the space is ready for the next day.
Safety and Security
Security is paramount to the safety of every child that enters HCA. Parents only can gain access to the lobby by unlocking the main entrance with a private code. A personalized computer check-in system within the lobby confirms visitor identity. Management and staff are trained on our strict security measures. Once access is granted, parents are required to sign children in or out of the classroom through a teacher.
In addition, the HCA facility has live streaming video of each room. Parents with personalized usernames and passwords can securely monitor their children from any computer with an internet connection. Although sharing of IDs is strictly prohibited for childrens safety, we can track locations where IDs are used and note discrepancies if they occur.
The state-of-the-art software at HCA is designed to make all of these critical functions as seamless as possible. Our commitment is to protect your child as if he or she were our own.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Hoboken Children's Academy in Walpole, NH

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

7am-7pm, Monday-Friday

Photos of Hoboken Children's Academy

Photo #1 of Hoboken Children's Academy
Photo #2 of Hoboken Children's Academy

Hoboken Children's Academy on Map

Hoboken Children's Academy

(201) 656-5700

501 Willow Street, Walpole, NH 03608