Hominy Head Start in Hominy, OK

Name:Hominy Head Start
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:1120 S. She She, Hominy, OK 74035
Child Day Care Phone:(918) 885-4422
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Child Day Care Website:http://www.ucapinc.org/head_start_early_head_start.html

Child Day Care Description

To provide a child-focused, family-centered environment that prepares each child for a lifetime of learning.
United serves 1,354 children 0-5 and pregnant women through our Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. These programs provide educational opportunities to both parent and child. In harmony with our Mission to prepare each child for a lifetime of learning, both programs meet the needs of the child and family. Through direct service or referral, families are ensured assistance with child development, adult education, child and adult health services, disability services, emergency services, and mental health services. A healthy, happy child is a child ready to learn.
Under the leadership of Johnny Bryant and Kim Rice, our Head Start/Early Head Start Program has grown by 40% in recent years. During that time, emphasis on our Mission Statement helped to ensure that we continue to reach for the stars. Enough is not enough. At United, excellence is the only goal.
United operates 26 Head Start and 16 Early Head Start programs in 9 counties that cover more than 10% of the state of Oklahoma. Centers are found in the following communities.

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Special Needs
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Hominy Head Start on Map

Hominy Head Start

(918) 885-4422

1120 S. She She, Hominy, OK 74035