Jefferson Avenue Childhood Development Center in Rochester, NY

Name:Jefferson Avenue Childhood Development Center
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:793 Jefferson Ave., Rochester, NY 14611
Child Care Phone:(585) 436-0454
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Child Care Website:

Child Care Description

The mission of the Center is:
- To provide a loving and nurturing environment and programs for all children.
- To provide an array of support services for parents grandparents and other adult care-givers in order to promote a strong healthy and nurturing family life for the Centers children.
- To actively participate in the continuing development of the Jefferson Avenue Genesee Section. This day care facility can give prescription medicine

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Special Needs
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Jefferson Avenue Childhood Development Center on Map

Jefferson Avenue Childhood Development Center

(585) 436-0454

793 Jefferson Ave., Rochester, NY 14611