John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool in Metairie, LA

Name:John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool
Childcare Address:4201 Transcontinental Drive, Metairie, LA 70006
Childcare Phone:(504) 888-1378
Child ages:3 weeks - 6 years
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Description

John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool is a child care center or preschool in Metairie, LA but does not have a description at this time.


This is the only information we have found for this Metairie childcare for now. You might be able to collect extra information on their mission statement over here:

Other things to think about when evaluating a childcare in Metairie, LA is at well designed daycares, lesson plans are created to encourage boys and girls to learn and have fun. Most respected childcare in 70006 seeks to provide a model for early childhood development. The most esteemed of these establishments utilize programs devised alongside professionals in educational development. Thoughtful lesson plans are most useful when delivered by teaching staff who are aware of the abilities of the children.

John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool is a modern childcare managing in an extremely important industry. For anyone in this field, the goal is to grow a trusted relationship with families through dedication to the community. Dads and moms seeking only the prime daycares can relax knowing they are entrusting their boys and girls in a safe and nurturing environment. Assuredly, daycares in this area will provide dads and moms with love and commitment. In this locale, the child care licensing agency cooperate with daycares to assure safe care and learning for boys and girls. Most people think that daycares are truely the most important supporter of society. These specialists should get support to continue to do this beneficial service to families.

View profile on Mom Trusted: John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool in Metairie, LA

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Mon - Fri 8:45a -2:45p

John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool on Map

John Calvin Presbyterian Playschool

(504) 888-1378

4201 Transcontinental Drive, Metairie, LA 70006