Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center in Montgomery Village, MD

Name:Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:9915 Apple Ridge Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Child Care Provider Phone:(301) 869-1929
Child ages:2 years - 4 years
Child Care Provider Website:

Child Care Provider Description

Kehilat Shalom Early Childhood Center is an early childhood educational facility for children ages two through four years old. The curriculum is planned for the age level of each group of children, with particular emphasis on the individual needs, interests and developmental stages of each child. The curriculum is designed to create an atmosphere where learning experiences will occur and where children take an active part in the learning process. Our classrooms are arranged to maximize childrens play, thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 9:15 AM - 2 PM

Photos of Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center

Photo #1 of Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center
Photo #2 of Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center

Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center on Map

Kehilat Shalom Early Learning Center

(301) 869-1929

9915 Apple Ridge Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886