Kiddy Karousel in Hibbing, MN

Name:Kiddy Karousel
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:3920 13th Ave E, Hibbing, MN 55746
Pre School Phone:(218) 263-7450
Child ages:6 weeks - 10 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Kiddy Karousel is a dependable, family-friendly child care center providing a safe environment to learn, grow, and explore.


Above is the only data we have found for Kiddy Karousel in 55746 for the time being. You might be able to acquire additional info on their school philosophy by going to this page:

Something else to regard when choosing a child care provider in 55746 is at wonderful childcare centers, classes are built to inspirit little ones to learn and have fun. All credible child care provider at Hibbing MN strives for a standard for educational development. The most distinguished of these centers utilize a program conceived with professionals in lesson development. Effective lesson plans are most effective when delivered by early childhood teachers who incorporate the abilities of the child.

Hibbing Kiddy Karousel is a modern child care provider working in a crucial industry. For operators in this line of work, the best thing to do is to gain a strong connection to children and parents through outreach to the community. Guardians who only use the prime childcare centers can have some peace of mind knowing they are placing their little ones in a nurturing as well as educational environment. Unquestionably, local childcare centers will provide guardians with commitment and love of little ones. In MN, the government participate together with child care providers to protect safe facilities and positive learning for Hibbing little ones. Most people believe that childcare centers are truely the most crucial supporter of families. These experts should get ongoing support to continue to do this invaluable work.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Kiddy Karousel in Hibbing, MN

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM

Kiddy Karousel on Map

Kiddy Karousel

(218) 263-7450

3920 13th Ave E, Hibbing, MN 55746