LCSI - Townsend Elementary in Oklahoma City, OK

Name:LCSI - Townsend Elementary
Childcare Address:4000 Epperly Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73115
Childcare Phone:(405) 721-3933
Child ages:4 years - 12 years
Childcare Website:

Childcare Description

Latchkey Child Services Inc. is an Oklahoma based non-profit organization that was founded to provide quality before and after school care for children during the hours when school is not in session and the parents are not available. Our programs operate inside the schools where our staff provides care for children Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Today, Latchkey partners with numerous schools and impacts the lives of over 1,000 students annually.
OUR COMMITMENT: We promise to devote our time and effort to ensuring that children are safe, happy, and cared for in a positive environment. We are committed to meeting the developmental needs of children through developmentally appropriate experiences and activities with caring and nurturing staff while providing supervision and guidance that helps children develop their leadership and social skills.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

6:15 AM to 6:00 PM

LCSI - Townsend Elementary on Map

LCSI - Townsend Elementary

(405) 721-3933

4000 Epperly Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73115