Leap After School at P.S. 19K in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Leap After School at P.S. 19K
Childcare Address:325 South 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Childcare Phone:(718) 387-7820
Child ages:5 years - 11 years
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Description

at PS 19 we see our school as a safe orderly and welcoming environment in which high expectations and academic achievement are promoted through a curriculum that utilizes a scientifically based research approach. The staff students parents and community will work together to foster and nurture this environment. The individual needs of the students will be addressed by a staff that will integrate best practices along with the latest methodology and materials. Our long-term goal is to produce students who will become productive members of our school community and society. Through a partnership with the parents and community we will all work together to achieve our goal. This childcare facility is able to dispense non-prescription topical salves only

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Friday: 8:40 am to 3:00 pm

Leap After School at P.S. 19K on Map

Leap After School at P.S. 19K

(718) 387-7820

325 South 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211