Lil' Lamb Christian Daycare in Clifton Park, NY

Name:Lil' Lamb Christian Daycare
Childcare Address:956 Route 146, Clifton Park, NY 12065
Childcare Phone:(518) 373-5910
Child ages:n/a
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Description

This Clifton Park daycare is allowed to administer prescription medicines


It's sad, but we don't have a full description for this childcare in Clifton Park. You might be able to get added information on the childcare's teaching philosophy here:

Another thing to contemplate when evaluating a childcare is at reputable daycare centers, lessons are developed to inspirit young children to love learning. Each well-thought-of childcare in Clifton Park NY provides a model for child development. The most impressive of these locations use curriculums developed in consultation with experts in education and developmental sciences. Successful programs are best served by educators and staff who are highly sensitive to the needs of children and their parents.

Lil' Lamb Christian Daycare in 12065 is a childcare operating in a busy, competitive industry. For operators in this industry, the most appropriate thing to do is to build a strong connection with families through service to the community. Dad and moms using only the finest daycare centers can relax knowing they are placing their boys and girls in safe, nurturing and educational environments. Undoubtedly, nearby daycare centers will continue to impress families with innovativeness and solidity. In this city, the care and education bureau work together with child care providers to ensure consistently high care for local children. It reasonable to believe that daycare centers are quite frankly among the most important members of their communities. These professionals should definitely get support to continue to do their valuable work.

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Special Needs
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Lil' Lamb Christian Daycare on Map

Lil' Lamb Christian Daycare

(518) 373-5910

956 Route 146, Clifton Park, NY 12065