Lor-Jon Montessori Pre-School in Elmhurst, IL

Name:Lor-Jon Montessori Pre-School
Preschool Address:367 S Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Preschool Phone:(630) 993-0109
Child ages:2 years - 6 years
Preschool Website:http://www.lor-jonmontessori.com/

Preschool Description

Lor-Jon Montessori School is a Montessori School established in 1980 by Lorna
Lowe. She built it with love and an understanding of Maria Montessoris respect of
the child and their internal need for knowledge. The schools original location was in the Lutheran Church of Transfiguration in Berkeley, Illinois. In 1991 she found a
lovely house in Elmhurst and purchased it with the intention of moving the school their. She applied for and was denied a zoning change, leaving no home for the school just one month before the first day. Mrs. Lowe had previously provided an act of charity for a family of the Elmhurst Presbyterian Church. Upon hearing of her dilemma, the church offered her their classroom facilities.
Although Lor-Jon is not affiliated with the church, they are gracious and outstanding landlords. Lorna spent 23 years establishing a well respected educational institution. She firmly believed in the Montessori philosophy and relished every child that walked through Lor-Jons doors. She truly loved going to work everyday, taking great pride in molding her young students. Lorna passed away from cancer in December of 2003. The school then became the property of her husband John Paul Lowe. Although he was not active in the classroom, Paul was involved in the daily activities of the school. He was the man behind the scenes that ran the errands, stocked the snacks and bought the papers, pencils etc. Paul passed away also from cancer in June of 2004. He was a loving father, brother and devoted husband. The school has been in a family trust since Pauls passing.
The only employee that has been with the school from the beginning is Laura Lowe, Lorna and Pauls only daughter. Laura was born with brain damage and has been a frequent participant in the Special Olympics as both a swimmer and bowler. Laura is a fantastic extra pair of hands in the classrooms. She is the most loving person with the warmest heart.The daily operations of the school are handled by Kevin Lowe. He is the father of four children and a very active part of their lives. Kevin has coached basketball, soccer and volleyball for the past 10 years at St. Domitilla Grade School in Hillside.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

08:00 - 12:00

Lor-Jon Montessori Pre-School on Map

Lor-Jon Montessori Pre-School

(630) 993-0109

367 S Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126