Loving Arms Child Care Center in Willmar, MN

Name:Loving Arms Child Care Center
Preschool Address:1101 SW Willmar Ave, Willmar, MN 56201
Preschool Phone:(320) 235-7271
Child ages:6 weeks - 6 years
Preschool Website:http://www.vinjechurch.com/lovingarms.htm

Preschool Description

Since 1995, Loving Arms has been providing quality, nurturing child care in a Christian environment. We are a licensed program under the MN Department of Human Services and participate in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.
The center operates year-round from 6:30am - 5:30pm, Monday thru Friday. The staff at Loving Arms have specific training and education in early childhood. Our low staff turnover and staff:chld ratios which exceed licensing standards speak to our commitment to individualized, personal care for each child and family. Visit the links below for more information on our child care programs.
At Loving Arms, we believe that the major developmental task of a young child is to gain trust in those who care for him/her and to develop the knowledge that he/she can affect the surrounding word. Our staff practice respect for the individuality of each child and work as partners with parents - building a trusting relationship through responsive care giving.
The curriculum and daily schedule is balanced between structured and child-initiated opportunities for children to learn in a multi-cultural environment that is filled with age-appropriate equipment and learning materials. The environment is designed around interest areas which provide opportunities for dramatic play, block play, books and literacy activities, music, sensory activities, science activities, large motor play and fine motor skill development. Outside time is provided on a daily basis for all children.
We offer nutritious meals and snacks to the children which are served family style. The center provides all baby foods, table foods, snacks and formula in accordance with food program guidelines.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 6:30am - 5:30pm

Loving Arms Child Care Center on Map

Loving Arms Child Care Center

(320) 235-7271

1101 SW Willmar Ave, Willmar, MN 56201