Mabel Barrett Fitzgerald Day Care Center in New York, NY

Name:Mabel Barrett Fitzgerald Day Care Center
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:243 West 64 Street, New York, NY 10023
Pre K Phone:(212) 874-0863
Child ages:3 years - 13 years
Pre K Website:

Pre K Description

The vision that shaped Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center in 1949 also shaped the Settlement House movement begun over 100 years ago. Throughout this city neighbors stood up and took responsibility for each other working cooperatively to build networks or services to support and empower all who lived there. The result was a groundswell of neighborhoods where people could live safely nurture their children and participate in their own success.

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Mabel Barrett Fitzgerald Day Care Center

(212) 874-0863

243 West 64 Street, New York, NY 10023