Mary Help of Christians Preschool in Pompano Beach, FL

Name:Mary Help of Christians Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:5980 University Drive, Pompano Beach, FL 33067
Pre K Phone:(954) 323-8007
Child ages:1.5 years - 5 years
Pre K Website:

Pre K Description

At Mary Help of Christians Preschool we provide a safe nurturing environment where children can come and explore experiment and stretch the limits of their imaginations. They can try their ideas in an atmosphere of trial and error where failure is never an issue. Play is the work of children. We believe in developing the whole child therefore we give equal importance to social emotional cognitive language and motor development. We are helping the children develop independence and a good self-esteem by allowing them the opportunity to make choices take risks and be responsible for themselves. Children need to develop social skills. By providing an atmosphere where children are encouraged to interact with their peers in a positive way we are helping them develop skills that will benefit them through life. Children need to be allowed to be creative and not be afraid to see things in different ways. Above all children need to be given the gift of time to just be kids time to imagine and to dream. These are the architects of the future!
Additional Services: Half Day

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday_Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Mary Help of Christians Preschool on Map

Mary Help of Christians Preschool

(954) 323-8007

5980 University Drive, Pompano Beach, FL 33067