Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre-School in Grayslake, IL

Name:Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre-School
Prek Address:31 Park Ave, Grayslake, IL 60030
Prek Phone:(847) 223-6151
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Prek Website:n/a

Prek Description

Darn, it appears that we don’t have much information for Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre-School right now. Please check back later for updates. We’re working to get more information about this daycare. For your reference, we’ve compiled a few items that people often look for in a child care center.

At superb child care services, teachers and assistants are committed to the children and their families. Great communication and versatility are hallmarks of every superior day care. First-rate child care centers are concerned about maintaining and increasing their work reputations. Several daycare centers operating at this moment claim hard-working teachers and classroom assistants who are highly astute and very genuine. Continuing traditions of greatness, sound daycares concentrate on eternally bettering their formative amenities.

Normally, primary caregivers value using the finest, most reputable daycare center. Youths are so very precious and they warrent the most nurturing care available. Child care services prevail generally because of the training of their staff. That's why excellent childcare centers in Grayslake adhere to very stringent rules when hiring. In the most ideal situation, every new staff member is examined thoroughly.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

09:00 - 15:00

Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre-School on Map

Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre-School

(847) 223-6151

31 Park Ave, Grayslake, IL 60030