Medfield Afterschool Program in North Hatfield, MA

Name:Medfield Afterschool Program
Type:Day Care Center
Day Care Center Address:124 North St, North Hatfield, MA 01066
Day Care Center Phone:(508) 359-2168
Child ages:5 years - 14 years
Rate:$$ (between $510 and $710)
Day Care Center Website:

Day Care Center Description

MAP is a parent based non-profit program that was established 23 years ago to provide quality care to children enrolled in the Medfield Public Schools. MAP is fully licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care and provides care for children in Kindergarten through 8th Grade.
Since the afterschool period represents a major portion of a child's free time, MAP is designed to provide a less structured environment than a regular school day. MAP offers various enrichment activities to enhance childrens interest, talents, and values. The program fosters each childs need for relaxation, quiet time, an environment for homework, and a supportive atmosphere.
MAP currently services over 300 children at four different sites. We have 2 kindergarten programs, one at the modular classroom at the Memorial School and one at the modular classroom at the Wheelock School. The modular classroom at the Memorial School also provides programming for 1st graders. At the Wheelock School modular, the 2nd and 3rd graders occupy the building at 3:00 along with shared space in the school. The 4th and 5th graders are at the Pfaff Center and the 6th through 8th grade program is at the Blake Middle School. Our hours are 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. MAP is open on early release days, some non-school days, and during the February and April Vacation weeks.
The MAP staff consists of professional teachers with degrees ranging in Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Recreation, Physical Education, Art, Music, Theater, etc.
Through our commitment, experience, and expertise Medfield Afterschool Program has established a great relationship with the schools and the children that will last a lifetime!

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Asthma/Allergies, Developmental, Emotional/Social, Hearing Impairment, Learning, Speech/Language
Operating hours

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-6:00 PM

Medfield Afterschool Program on Map

Medfield Afterschool Program

(508) 359-2168

124 North St, North Hatfield, MA 01066