Mercer Creek Church Child Care in Ellensburg, WA

Name:Mercer Creek Church Child Care
Preschool Address:1407 North B, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Preschool Phone:(509) 933-7819
Child ages:2 months - 10 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

As a ministry of Mercer Creek Church, we exist to provide safe, loving, nurturing, and age appropriate care for each child. We strive to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ with children and their families.
Our center has five classrooms serving ages two months through age ten. Children ages two years through pre-kindergarten will enjoy a preschool program within their childcare schedule that is filled with multi-faceted themed curriculum with biblical elements.
We are fully licensed by the state of Washington Department of Early Learning

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Special Needs
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Mercer Creek Church Child Care on Map

Mercer Creek Church Child Care

(509) 933-7819

1407 North B, Ellensburg, WA 98926