Merokee Day School in Merrick, NY

Name:Merokee Day School
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:10 Wynsum Ave., Merrick, NY 11566
Child Care Provider Phone:(516) 378-6333
Child ages:1.5 years - 5 years
Child Care Provider Website:

Child Care Provider Description

My name is Vivian Kanter. I started out my career as a kindergarten teacher and then moved onto becoming the director of a local nursery school program. I wanted to start a program where I would feel confident enrolling my own children; a place where children would feel safe and instill a love for learning. In 1977 I became the owner and operator of Merokee Day School. Ever since then my daughter Tracey Ferguson and I have taken pride in providing a quality program to thousands of toddlers pre-schoolers and school-age children for over three decades. This day care facility can dispense prescription medications

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Merokee Day School on Map

Merokee Day School

(516) 378-6333

10 Wynsum Ave., Merrick, NY 11566