Milestone Educare in Portage, MI

Name:Milestone Educare
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:400 Gladys St, Portage, MI 49002
Pre K Phone:(269) 323-1555
Child ages:n/a
Pre K Website:n/a

Pre K Description



Oh darn! We don't have a significant amount of a material for Milestone Educare in Portage. You might be able to acquire additional info on the day care center's philosophy at this link:

Something else to regard when choosing a Portage day care center is at wonderful childcare centers, instructional times are developed to energize young children to learn while having fun. Virtually all credible day care center at Portage strives for an environment for child development. The best of these centers utilize lessons conceived in consultation with professionals in education and developmental sciences. Well thought out programs are most useful when delivered by teachers who incorporate the needs and abilities of the child.

Milestone Educare in Portage is a day care center managing in an important industry. For anyone in this line of work, the best thing to do is to grow a deep relationship with families through outreach to the community. Guardians who use the most trusted childcare centers can have some peace of mind knowing they are leaving their babies in a nurturing as well as educational environment. Undeniably, local childcare centers will continue to serve families with commitment and love of babies. In this area, the government cooperate together with childcare centers to protect safe care and learning environment. Most people believe that childcare centers are quite frankly among the most crucial members of society. These experts should definitely get ongoing support to continue to do this valuable work.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday

Milestone Educare on Map

Milestone Educare

(269) 323-1555

400 Gladys St, Portage, MI 49002