Milford Country Day in Milford, MI

Name:Milford Country Day
Preschool Address:1665 S. Milford Rd, Milford, MI 48381
Preschool Phone:(248) 685-8123
Child ages:6 weeks - 5 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description



Above is a bit of a description we have for Milford Country Day in 48381 at this moment. There's a chance you can acquire more information on their school philosophy at this link:

Another thing to consider when evaluating a child development center in 48381 is at great day cares, class times are built to inspire and encourage youths to love learning. Each well-regarded child development center in Milford MI offers an environment for early childhood development. The most impressive of these organizations use a program built in consultation with professionals in lesson development. Successful lesson plans are best served by early childhood teachers who are in tune with the needs and abilities of the child.

Milford Country Day in 48381 is a modern child development center operating in a crucial industry. For operators in this industry, the ultimate goal is to build a strong connection to children and parents through outreach programs. Moms and dads using only the prime day cares can relax knowing they are placing their youths in a safe and educational environment. Undoubtedly, day cares and child care centers in this area will continue to impress moms and dads with dedication and commitment. In this city, authorities work together with child care providers to establish safe care and learning environment. It reasonable to believe that day cares are truely the most important supporter of families. These professionals should get support to continue to do this invaluable work.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Milford Country Day in Milford, MI

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 6.30 am - 6.00 pm

Milford Country Day on Map

Milford Country Day

(248) 685-8123

1665 S. Milford Rd, Milford, MI 48381