Northridge Elementary Preschool in Longmont, CO

Name:Northridge Elementary Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:1200 19th AVE, Longmont, CO 80501
Pre K Phone:(303) 772-3040
Child ages:2.5 years - 5 years
Pre K Website:n/a

Pre K Description

Our School Focus is high achievement for ALL by All while honoring diversity. We offer English and Spanish instruction while also focusing on intensive English Language Development for All.
To work towards reaching these goals, a Professional Learning Community exists that allows the staff to analyze data to drive their instruction, while professional development activities are in place to support both reading and writing efforts including English language acquisition.

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Northridge Elementary Preschool on Map

Northridge Elementary Preschool

(303) 772-3040

1200 19th AVE, Longmont, CO 80501