NSUMC Preschool in Atlanta, GA

Name:NSUMC Preschool
Childcare Address:7770 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350
Childcare Phone:(770) 396-8615
Child ages:3 weeks - 11 years
Childcare Website:http://www.northspringsumc.org/#/preschool

Childcare Description

Why North Springs? : Because we are a small school, there is a strong feeling of closeness among the staff and parents. The director and teachers know all the children. The children feel loved and respected by all and are at ease in the building. Special events include all children and their families. Ethnic diversity adds a dynamic to our program that helps us teach our philosophy of "Love Thy Neighbor" and the "Golden Rule". Our staff loves teaching, is dedicated and hard working. There is a very comfortable atmosphere at our Pre-School. Your child is not a number at North Springs!
Environment : A loving and learning environment in a Christian setting is the foundation of our Pre-School program. Emphasis is placed on socialization, listening, following directions, and learning to play in a peer group situation. Acquiring these skills helps for a successful transition to Elementary School Preschool. Age appropriate skills in mathematics, language arts, color recognition, science, social studies and spatial concepts are integrated throughout the school year.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: M-F
Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM

NSUMC Preschool on Map

NSUMC Preschool

(770) 396-8615

7770 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350