Parrish Baptist Daycare in Parrish, FL

Name:Parrish Baptist Daycare
Childcare Address:12125 71st Street East, Parrish, FL 34219
Childcare Phone:(941) 776-1333
Child ages:1 year - 5 years
Childcare Website:

Childcare Description

We are a Christian daycare and preschool with a full academic program that incorporates the Bible into our total teaching program. We believe that every child deserves the heritage of a knowledge of God and His Son and without it education is not complete. It is our desire to see each child grow mentally physically emotionally socially and spiritually.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday_Friday 6:30am-6pm

Parrish Baptist Daycare on Map

Parrish Baptist Daycare

(941) 776-1333

12125 71st Street East, Parrish, FL 34219