Phebeana Pre-school in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Phebeana Pre-school
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:160 Parkside Ave Apt. Room-3 1fl, Brooklyn, NY 11226
Pre School Phone:(718) 284-8147
Child ages:n/a
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Phebeana Pre-school is a Christian child care agency established since 1994. We are privileged to have the opportunity to take part in the enriching and unfolding of the young childs mind as well as to play a significant part in enhancing the childs potential. Children are
members of an environment in which they will receive individualized and personal attention to their needs.
Phebeana endeavours to assure that children benefit from and enjoy a program which is not only educational and stimulating but also which focuses on the development of the childs awareness of self worth and that of everyone around him/her.
Phebeana is committed to providing a total education for the young child. Teaching methods are varied and flexible taking into account individual patterns of development and ways of learning. A good educational foundation is crucial in helping the child to better understand more complex educational concepts in which he/she will come in contact with.
Phebeana places high importance on chidrens social behaviour and their acquiring good moral habits. These attributes can be acquired from exposure to systematic faith based teachings of Biblical concepts. Not only will children be an asset to themselves but an asset to society as a whole. This location is permitted to administer over-the-counter balms only

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Phebeana Pre-school on Map

Phebeana Pre-school

(718) 284-8147

160 Parkside Ave Apt. Room-3 1fl, Brooklyn, NY 11226