Phoenix Montessori Academy in Cornelius, NC

Name:Phoenix Montessori Academy
Preschool Address:17615 Old Statesville Road, Cornelius, NC 28031
Preschool Phone:(704) 892-7536
Child ages:1 year - 6 years
Rate:$$ (between $510 and $710)
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Our mission at Phoenix Montessori Academy is to develop true scholars, life-longlearners, and productive citizens of the world in a diverse atmosphere that incorporates Montessori principles where students demonstrate respect and love for self, others, and their environment.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm

Photos of Phoenix Montessori Academy

Photo #1 of Phoenix Montessori Academy
Photo #2 of Phoenix Montessori Academy

Phoenix Montessori Academy on Map

Phoenix Montessori Academy

(704) 892-7536

17615 Old Statesville Road, Cornelius, NC 28031