Phyl's Academy in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Phyl's Academy
Prek Address:3520 Tilden Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Prek Phone:(718) 469-9400
Child ages:2 years - 6 years
Prek Website:

Prek Description

The Early Childhood student is a very interesting one. In comparison to other age groups this student undergoes the largest physical and mental changes within a school year. For many younger students this is their first experience with non-family members and their first exposure to a social environment of their peers.
At Phyls Academy our comfortable nurturing environment helps to ease the transition as they grow and adjust in these formative years. In our Early Childhood Program childrens intrinsic need to explore and discover is encouraged through a daily schedule based on storytelling block and manipulative play pre-reading pre-math artistic expression physical activity and observing the world around us.
Classrooms are set up in learning centers where lessons are delivered through concrete activities. This allows young students to learn through their physical senses and ensures each lesson becomes an experience to remember.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

7:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

Photos of Phyl's Academy

Photo #1 of Phyl's Academy
Photo #2 of Phyl's Academy

Phyl's Academy on Map

Phyl's Academy

(718) 469-9400

3520 Tilden Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203