Police Athletic League Wynn Center in Brooklyn, NY

Name:Police Athletic League Wynn Center
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:495 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11216
Daycare Center Phone:(718) 230-8477
Child ages:n/a
Daycare Center Website:http://www.palnyc.org/800-pal-4kids/center.aspx?id=18

Daycare Center Description

The mission of the PAL Wynn Center is to significantly enthusiastically and passionately create opportunities that allow the children of the Bedford Stuyvesant community to put the values of education into practice thereby developing their self worth and community. This Brooklyn day care center is licensed to give non-prescription medical lotion only

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Police Athletic League Wynn Center on Map

Police Athletic League Wynn Center

(718) 230-8477

495 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11216