Providence Wee Care in Portland, OR

Name:Providence Wee Care
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:830 NE 47th Ave, Portland, OR 97213
Child Day Care Phone:(503) 215-2400
Child ages:2.5 years - 10 years
Child Day Care Website:

Child Day Care Description

Providence Montessori School opens the world to young children. Our goal is to prepare children for a lifetime of creative thinking and learning. Children receive a broad academic education in a carefully planned and stimulating environment.
Our primary classrooms offer a three-year curriculum that includes kindergarten. Our elementary classroom allows children to apply the fundamentals of a primary Montessori program and to expand upon them using methods and tools designed for the older child.
What makes Providence Montessori School unique?
Providence Montessori School has a rich history as the first Montessori school in the Northwest. For nearly 50 years, we have worked tirelessly to create a community dedicated to fostering a love of learning in every student. Our staff are trained in the Montessori method to carefully apply the teachings of Maria Montessori. As part of the school tour, parents will observe a classroom to see this extraordinary method in practice.
What is Montessori?
Montessori education is a refreshingly different approach to learning. Children are encouraged to work, learn and discover the world at their own pace. Designed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician, the Montessori experience offers children a broad academic education in a stimulating community and environment.

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Providence Wee Care on Map

Providence Wee Care

(503) 215-2400

830 NE 47th Ave, Portland, OR 97213