Reedy Creek Elementary ASEP in Charlotte, NC

Name:Reedy Creek Elementary ASEP
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:10801 Plaza Rd Ext, Charlotte, NC 28215
Day Care Phone:(704) 379-7000
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Day Care Website:

Day Care Description

The After School Enrichment Program provides a warm, caring environment beyond school hours where your children have the opportunity to play with school friends and get homework out of the way before the family sits down to dinner. ASEP offers exciting activities which stimulate children to be healthier and happier, including sports, art activities and computer exploration. After School Enrichment Programs operate in CMS schools, utilizing age-appropriate materials and equipment for students. From the media center to the playground, students spend out-of-school hours in safe and stimulating environments. Using a curriculum correlated with the NC Standard Course of Study, ASEP Site Coordinators, school administrators and teachers work together to ensure that their ASEP programs supplement the learning taking place during the school day.
Besides academic support, the ASEP program focuses on the development of students social skills. To see After School at a glance click on the ASEP Fact Sheet. Program leaders are respectful and positive toward students, mindful of the importance of appropriate role models. Students are encouraged to develop friendships with schoolmates that for some will last many years.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Reedy Creek Elementary ASEP on Map

Reedy Creek Elementary ASEP

(704) 379-7000

10801 Plaza Rd Ext, Charlotte, NC 28215