Reid Temple Christian Academy in Glenn Dale, MD

Name:Reid Temple Christian Academy
Preschool Address:11400 Glenn Dale Boulevard, Glenn Dale, MD 20769
Preschool Phone:(301) 860-6575
Child ages:2 years - 12 years
Rate:$$ (between $510 and $710)
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Reid Temple Christian Academy (The Academy) is committed to providing a holistic Christian education which ministers to the whole child - body, mind and spirit through the development of biblically-based values, promotion of intellectual curiosity, and reinforcement of cultural awareness and social responsibility. We prepare students to think critically through a rigorous curriculum; communicate effectively through a child-centered program; and reason logically through a supportive environment. Students engage in continual self-evaluation and reflection to equip them for life, service to God and commitment to their fellow man. Each child will be taught to seek justice, love in kindness and walk humbly with God through their academic, artistic and moral pursuits.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 6:45 AM - 6 PM

Reid Temple Christian Academy on Map

Reid Temple Christian Academy

(301) 860-6575

11400 Glenn Dale Boulevard, Glenn Dale, MD 20769