Rocking Robin Day Care Center in Burbank, IL

Name:Rocking Robin Day Care Center
Preschool Address:6000 W 79th St, Burbank, IL 60459
Preschool Phone:(708) 599-8726
Child ages:1 year - 6 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

We are happy that you are interested in information about our school. Every day at Rocking Robin Daycare, we give children many rewarding experiences and the opportunity to grow in a program that has been established for many years and is known for providing a nurturing learning environment.
Our goal is to provide a nurturing atmosphere that is conducive to learning and will provide your child with many different learning experiences. As a daycare center, our curriculum focuses on the importance of play. Play provides your child with the ability to problem solve, get along with others, and discover new things.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

06:00 - 18:00

Rocking Robin Day Care Center on Map

Rocking Robin Day Care Center

(708) 599-8726

6000 W 79th St, Burbank, IL 60459